10 Ori Token Reward for Your Algorithmic Trading Journey

Enjoy 10 Ori Token rewards to start your algorithmic trading journey. Explore the Marketplace, find strategies and start using them.

Monitor Your Portfolio at Different Exchanges in One Place

Connect your accounts on the most popular crypto exchanges to Traderlands via API. Monitor, Manage and Automate your portfolio from a single screen

Algorithmic Trade Made Simple for Everyone

Traderlands Marketplace has automated trading strategies developed by algo traders that are suitable for many different investment types. You can choose the suitable strategies for you, add your own criteria if you wish, and run them 24/7 as a bot.

Social Trading A New Era in Trading

Use strategies created by algo traders and published on the Marketplace, and join the world of algorithmic trading as part of the community. Get market news, trade with bots and control your portfolio from a single application.